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* All sessions are held via Telehealth unless otherwise noted 
* Free consultations are used to determine what package best meets your needs
*Packages can be modified to meet individual needs after consultation
  • In-person: if out of state, must be willing and able to travel to Florida for the duration of the Intensive

1-day, Weekday

Description of 8 hour program: 6 contact hours + resources/ assessments/ with optional customized treatment workbook

▪ 90-minute interview before intensive

▪ Half-day (3 hours) intensive 

▪ 90-minute interview for follow up

 6 contact hours x weekday hourly rate ($225) = $1350

2 hours to design customized pre/post treatment workbook = $450

TOTAL = $1800 


2-day, Weekday

Description of 11 hour program: 9 contact hours + resources/ assessments/ with optional customized treatment workbook

▪ 90-minute interview before intensive

▪ Two half-day (3 hours per day) 

▪ 90-minute interview for follow up

9 contact hours x weekday hourly rate ($225) = $2025

2 hours to design customized pre/post treatment workbook = $450

TOTAL = $2475


3-day, Weekday

Description of 14 hour program: 12 contact hours + resources/ assessments/ with optional customized treatment workbook

▪ 90-minute interview before intensive

▪ Three half-days (3 hours per day) 

▪ 90-minute interview for follow up

12 contact hours x weekday hourly rate ($225) = $2700

2 hours to design customized pre/post treatment workbook = $450

TOTAL = $3150 


3-day, Weekend

Description of 14 hour program: 12 contact hours + resources/ assessments/ with optional customized treatment workbook

▪ 90-minute interview before intensive

▪ Three half-days (3 hours per day) on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 

▪ 90-minute interview for follow up

12 contact hours x weekend hourly rate ($350) = $4200

2 hours to design customized pre/post treatment workbook = $700


TOTAL = $4900 


EMDR Intensive Retreat

*A retreat experience in a soothing setting

*Highly individualized care with a personal touch

*In-person: if out of state, must be willing and able to travel to Florida for the duration of the Intensive

*Customized package details and cost

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